2021 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report
Key highlights
Organizational self-assessment (comparative data 2022-2023)
- Develop a coherent organizational anti-racism strategy
- Create an enabling environment for productive dialogue
- Collaborate with international partners in design, development, and implementation
- Collect data disaggregated by race at all levels
- Mandate regular anti-racism organizational audits
- Invest in resources, building staff capacity, and leadership commitment
- Integrate anti-racism principles into every aspect of your organization
- Center affected communities/ relevant groups in anti-racism work, in all things
The Anti-Racism Framework is a commitment to ensuring a continuous process of anti-racist change while centering colleagues, partners, and communities with experiences of racial bias and discrimination, particularly Black, Indigenous, and / or people from historically disadvantaged countries. This Framework was developed in 2020 through sector-wide collaboration and consultation; it is a starting point for Canada’s international cooperation sector to inform its approach to anti-racism in a collective and proactive way – leaving room for collaboration, knowledge sharing and continuous learning.
The annual survey is built to evaluate our sector’s progress regarding our collective commitments to the Anti-Racism Framework. This survey is available on an annual basis to allow organizations in Canada’s international cooperation sector to (re)evaluate, (re)new and (re)commit to anti-racism work. You can download an Excel version of the survey to help you internally here.
The new reporting cycle includes a bi-annual rotation, with a full Collective Commitment report developed and published every two years and a shorter pulse survey and report developed and published every other year.
Pulse Survey Year
- New survey format – Shorter survey of 10 to 15 questions related to key indicators of progress;
- Various opportunity through the year to consolidate your Anti-racism commitment and implement the recommendations through trainings, working groups and affinity groups;
- The last pulse survey year was in 2023!
Collective Commitment report year
- This will be a report similar to 2021, 2022 reports;
- Full, regular survey to extensively evaluate your organizational progress building on existing Collective Commitment questions and indicators of progress;
- The next Collective Commitment report will be published in 2024!
The Anti-Racism Framework is a commitment to ensuring a continuous process of anti-racist change while centering colleagues, partners, and communities with experiences of racial bias and discrimination, particularly Black, Indigenous, and/or people from historically disadvantaged countries. This Framework was developed in 2020 through sector-wide collaboration and consultation; it is a starting point for Canada’s international cooperation sector to inform its approach to anti-racism in a collective and proactive way – leaving room for collaboration, knowledge sharing and continuous learning.
You can learn more about the Framework here.
- Commitment 1: We commit to measuring the ways in which employees experience the workplace unequally and acting upon this data to construct more diverse and inclusive work spaces.
- Commitment 2: We commit to recognizing and eliminating racism in our storytelling, advocacy, fundraising, and knowledge sharing, and to using our platforms to support the anti-racist agenda.
- Commitment 3: We commit to implementing anti-racism efforts into the design and delivery of our context-specific, culturally competent programming and continuously improving the way we design, implement, and evaluate, our work.
Along with these commitments, the Framework shares performance measurement indicators that will guide organizations on the anti-racism journey and contribute to improving sector-wide data on the progress made towards a more antiracist sector and society.
The taskforce (our team behind the scenes) uses data received from the annual surveys to make overarching conclusions about the progress of the sector as a whole towards anti-racist efforts. The annual report presents information and sector trends in a confidential manner, providing a sector-pulse on anti-racist efforts without naming and shaming. No data or findings are explicitly associated with any one organization.
The taskforce ensures that multiple perspectives are considered when analyzing the data and making recommendations. Taskforce members are trained in collecting and analyzing race- and gender-sensitive data to ensure methodological rigor and intellectual integrity throughout the production of the reports. The data received is anonymized so as to not single out any organizations.
Completing the annual survey means that your organization is committing to the Anti-racism Framework for 2023. By adding your information and sharing your progress, your organization recognizes that racism is a problem our sector must address, and you are ready to be part of the solution. Signatory organizations show a willingness to engage in this work collectively, learn from others, share lessons and take part in joint initiatives.
The annual is also a self check tool – organizations that have completed the survey in past years have used the survey as an internal tool to pause, check their progress on anti-racism, review with their teams the progress made and challenges ahead.
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